Agency Operations & Procedures Manual
Easily Customized for your Agency!!
General Agency Procedures
Commercial Lines Procedures
Personal Lines Procedures
Employee Benefits Procedures
Job Descriptions
Over 120 Forms, Worksheets, and Checklists

All in one manual!! $299.95
If you have been struggling for years to write an agency operations and procedures manual, keep reading. Now you can buy a complete manual that can be customized to fit your agency with very little time and effort.
All you'll need is a little information and basic word-processing skills. Whether processing a non-premium endorsement or the most complex reporting form policy, the easy-to-follow workflow makes the process simple, and designed to work with any Agency Management System.
Delivered electronically using Drop Box , this manual is ideal for training new employees, reinforcing procedures for existing employees and meeting the requirements of the "Rules of Evidence."
Published by The Moberg Group, Inc., the leading insurance consulting firm providing services to independent agencies, such as: Agency Operations, Procedures Development, Automation Selection and Utilization and E&O Risk Management Services.
You can get started today!!!
TMG is also available to help your agency with customization. CONTACT US for a quote.